Thursday, 25 April 2013


The hall.

The hall ceiling. 

Chiller! It's a chiller do de do de dum dum

Looking through from one Music classroom to the other (the recording studio is in between)

Ceiling tiles going in. 

The lift door is in. 

Science lab furniture going in. 

Classroom furniture as arranged by builders, not teachers. 

The Sports Centre has red doors. 

Words fail me. This is an outdoor learning area. And someone has put a lampost in the middle of it. 

The lampost is being removed. 

As is this bollard. 

Part of the workings for the sprinkler system. 

The sprinkler tank. 

Remember that complicated plumbing...?

The Site Team will be starting their Masters in Mechanical Engineering shortly...


Part of the biomass boiler.

Part of the gas boiler.

Complicated plumbing...

Paths and bollards now going in.

Miranda's verandah is shaping up nicely. 

I could do with a pair of these.

Hundreds of shrubs and trees have been planted. 
